Show 213 Anxiety Lessons from Fictional Detectives

I was viewing CBS Sunday Mornings Jane Pauley about her journey regarding depression and bi-polar depression. And how people will come up to her and start talking about their issues with the illness.

There are a lot of foot soldiers who are trying to do the right thing about sharing reliable information about mental health treatment. 

I make no secret that I am on the same journey as other people. There are weeks when I think I should shut it down. And sometimes I might miss an episode because life can get a bit too much. 

But I also know that telling folks that there is help, it is accessible in a variety of forms and that there isn't a quick fix is an important thing to do. 

With a medical diagnosis of anxiety or depression, you do have to make adjustments on how you go forward. You have to look at what you are putting in your body. 

You have to look at your environment - is it a healthy one for you? Do you want or don't want to take  medication? It is a choice. 

Honestly, you have to find what is right for you. I could list 1,000 things you could do. You might only need seven. Or the 1,001 that neither of us knows about. 

Treatment isn't the MacGuffin. It is the journey in claiming bits of yourself before you find it. That is hard for many people to accept. There is work involved.

There is much more to it and that is why there are a bunch of episodes on a variety of topics. Some you might resonate with and others are crap to you.

That is ok. Or you might just come to the blog and find something a resource you can use.  That works for me too.

In this episode, something a little different. This is a look at some of the famous detectives of fiction that may or may not have an anxiety condition.

Some are self-declared and others have things projected on to them. But it is interesting to look at how the detectives function with the anxiety MacGuffin in the closet.

Resources Mentioned: 

Jane Pauley via Sunday Morning on Recognizing Depression.

Talkspace Founders Respond to New York Times article on Medium.

PTSD Resources

Episode 161 - a list of therapy search databases to aid you in finding a therapist. brochure on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. has an information page about PTSD as well.

Daylio Self-Care Bullet Journal app to help keep track of your moods, task and goals. It is available for iOS and Android devices.

OCD Resources information page on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. has a brochure on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The International OCD Foundation also has a resource page on the topic, including a page that evaluates apps for those trying to control their condition..

Grief Resources

The non-profit What's Your Grief has a resource section with solo learning courses about various aspects of the grieving process. 

From Psychology Today a post about Bereavement Anxiety Managing anxiety after the death of a loved-one.

Detectives Hook-Ups

On YouTube, you can find episodes of  1970s Lord Peter Whimsey performed by Ian Carmichael or the audio book versions. There are also some clips and episodes of the 1987 version performed by actor Edward Petherbridge.

Dr. Lucy Worsley talks about Sayers and also mentions Whimsey's PTSD condition.

Agatha Christie official website with listing of her books, plays and other materials.

For those hard core and closer to the canon text visit The Baker Street Irregulars.

Monk - The Television Series via

If you need support contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, the Trevor Project at 1-866-488-7386 or text “START” to 741-741.


Links to other sites are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute endorsements. 

Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health disorder.

This blog and podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing in this program is intended to be a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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