This show is more focused on the voice in many people's heads that is hyper-critical. There are some organic, mechanical and mental skills that can help to shut the hater up.
It is more about building a toolkit of resources when the voice is obnoxious. It is about deflating that power to attack you at a vulnerable point. Anxiety can make you feel extremely vulnerable.
Your can download the current episode on your smartphone, tablet or media device.
Resources Mentioned:
Psychology Today post on Diet and Depression
Mass Public Health Blog on Five Foods to Boost Your Mood
The British Dietetic Association PDF on Food Fact Sheet on Depression and Diet
Mayo Clinic on Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms
Greater Good, The Science of A Meaningful Life Quiz on Mindfulness
University of Minnesota page on Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices
University of Wisconsin PDF on Handout on Loving Kindness and Depression page on dealing with depression
There is also a Depression Self-Health Checklist PDF chart to help you track the positive things you can do to help manage your condition.
Links to other sites are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute endorsements.
Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health disorder.
This podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only.
Nothing in this program is intended to be a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment
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